Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dragon Sightings

I was searching for Dragon Information on the net when I stumbled into this video. I think Dragon Lovers will really appreciate this. It is a video of a dragon sighting in China. Here is the Link  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nHkANX5or8. From what I see I think this is an oriental dragon because you could clearly see it's form and the claws on the dragon's feet. But silly me, it sure is oriental since it was seen in China...Duh! Lol.

In Search of a Dragon Magick Teacher

For some time now I have been searching for a teacher in Dragon Magick. I have been practicing Dragon Magick for two years now my references are the books of DJ Conway and blogs of other Dragon lovers out there. Then I realized that dragon magick is an intuitive practice and learning is solely based on your relationship with first and foremost with your personal dragon guardians. Because who would be the best teacher's in Dragon Magick except the dragons themselves?